The Surviving Spouse’s To-Do List, Part 3: The Estate

Over the last few weeks, we’ve detailed the initial steps a widow(er) should take after the loss of their spouse. Part One tackled the paperwork that must be gathered, while Part Two offered advice regarding collecting survivor benefits. This week, we will address the steps regarding handling the will and preparing the estate.

The Surviving Spouse’s To-Do List, Part 2: Collect Benefits

Part 2 of our 6-part series: The Surviving Spouse’s To-Do List.

The Surviving Spouse’s To-Do List, Part 1: Paperwork

Part 1 of our 6-part series addresses the first item on your to-do list – gathering your paperwork.

What to Do If You Can’t Afford to Pay Your Life Insurance: Part 2

Last week, we shared some options regarding what to do if you have found yourself in a difficult financial situation and are unable to pay your upcoming life insurance premium. Today, we wanted to offer a few more alternatives, as well as review some commonly asked questions.

What to Do If You Can’t Afford to Pay Your Life Insurance: Part 1

If you’re having trouble paying your life insurance premium and are considering canceling your life insurance policy, make sure you understand all the potential repercussions. Don’t make a hasty decision now that could significantly impact your family later, just to save a money in the short term.

I’m All Set to Retire: Do I Really Need That Life Insurance Policy Anymore?

Each of us has a different vision of what retirement will look like. Some plan to travel, while others hope to volunteer in their community or spend more time with family. You’ve spent all these years focusing on building a nest egg for your later years, it’s time to sit back and reap the rewards. For many, this means doing away with their life insurance policies. After all, there’s little to no income to replace should you pass on and your dependents are out of the house, right?

Life Insurance Paramedical Exam: What Are They Testing For?

Last month, we shared with you the details of what to expect during the life insurance application and paramedical exam process. Some of you may be wondering “But what exactly will they be testing for?” So, to add that last piece to the puzzle, we thought we’d provide some specifics regarding what underwriting is looking […]

Expectant Mothers – What You Need To Know About Life Insurance

Expecting a child is one of the most exciting times in one’s life. You’re filled with hope for the future, daydreaming about what lies ahead for your family. With that little bundle of joy, however, comes an immense amount of responsibility. This little life will look to you for love and guidance; and every decision […]