
Life Insurance Paramedical Exam: What Are They Testing For?

Last month, we shared with you the details of what to expect during the life insurance application and paramedical exam process. Some of you may be wondering “But what exactly will they be testing for?” So, to add that last piece to the puzzle, we thought we’d provide some specifics regarding what underwriting is looking for.

If you have any health issues that come up on this list, please do not let this intimidate you. Negative results do not guarantee you’ll be denied coverage. However, if you’re feeling uneasy, please take a moment to share your concerns with us. Our job is to arm you with all the information and assist you in finding the very best policy, at the best possible rate.

Heart Conditions

According to the American College of Cardiology, cardiovascular disease (CVD) is responsible for almost 800,000 deaths in the U.S. each year, with one person dying every 40 seconds. Your blood work will offer underwriting insight into the health of your heart and arteries, through the following tests:


Cholesterol is fatty matter that your body needs to keep everything lubricated. Your blood holds “bad” and “good” cholesterol. If it’s storing too much of the bad, it can cause serious health complications. The specifics regarding how much is too much varies from insurer to insurer.

  • HDL– High-Density Lipoprotein is that “good” cholesterol we mentioned earlier. It wards off LDL build-up in your arteries.
  • LDL – Low-Density Lipoprotein is what’s labeled as “bad” cholesterol. Accumulation of LDL in your arteries typically leading to blockage and, potentially, heart attack or stroke.
  • LDL/HDL Ratio – This ratio is used to define your risk for heart disease. The lower number = lower the risk.
  • Cholesterol/HDL Ratio – This is also an indicator of your risk for heart disease. Ideally, this number should read 5 or lower.


Triglycerides are fat lipids found in your blood. Higher levels indicate an increased risk for heart disease. Levels of 150 or lower are preferred.

Diuretic In Urine

Your urine sample will be used to test for diuretics, which is an indicator that you’re currently on blood pressure medication.

Beta Adrenergic Blockers

Some insurance companies will test for beta adrenergic blockers, which shows if you’re on any blood pressure medication or being treated for heart defects or arrhythmias.


The liver is one of the primary producers of protein and cholesterol in your body. In fact, contrary to popular belief, only 20% of the cholesterol in your blood stream comes from the foods you consume; the other 80% is produced by your liver. These tests offer the underwriter insight into your risk for liver or muscle disease.

Alkaline Phosphatase

Elevated levels of this enzyme could indicate liver or some types of bone disease. Target readings are 30 to 100.

Aspartate Aminotransferase

(AST) Increased levels of this enzyme in your blood signals the potential for heart, muscle, or liver disease. Target readings are below 40.

Alanine Aminotransferase

(ALT) You may be at risk for liver disease if elevated levels of this enzyme are present. Target readings are 45 or lower.

Gamma Glutamyl Transpeptidase

(GGT) Higher levels of this enzyme are often present with liver disease and excessive alcohol consumption. Target readings are below 65.


Elevated levels of bilirubin are an indicator of liver or gallbladder disease. Target levels range from .3 to 1.8.


Another indicator of liver disease; target levels range from 6 to 8.


Lower levels are an indicator of severe liver disease and could be a sign that additional disorders exist. Target levels are between 3.8 and 5.2.


Readings lower than 2.1 or higher than 3.5 could indicate an issue. Increased levels could be a sign of infection or immune system problems.


The pancreas works to produce hormones and enzymes that are responsible for regulating blood sugar levels and food digestion.

Glucose in Urine

The presence of glucose is an indicator of diabetes.

Hemoglobin A1c

This test provides a measurement of blood glucose over the last 90 days. Target level is 5.7 or lower. If your reading is 5.7 – 6.4, you’ll be considered pre-diabetic by the life insurance underwriter. If your levels are 6.5 or above, underwriting will view you as diabetic.


This provides a measurement of your blood sugar levels over the past 2-3 weeks. Target levels are between 1.5 and 2.5.

Kidney and Bladder

The kidney and bladder are responsible for removing waste from your urine.

Leukocyte Esterase

This enzyme’s presence enzyme could indicate an infection.

Blood urea nitrogen

(BUN) This reading is used to calculate your overall health. Target levels are 10-25.

Urine PH Screen

This tests for the acidity of your urine. Target levels are 4-8.

Hemoglobin Screen

The presence of hemoglobin could indicate kidney infection or a UTI.


Elevated levels signal the possibility of kidney disease. Target levels are 0.7 to 1.5.

Proteinuria, Urine Creatinine, and/or Microalbumin

Presence of these in your urine indicates you may be at risk for kidney disease. Normal levels of urine creatinine are 25-250. They’ll also test your ratio, which should be between 0.0-0.20. Levels of 0.30 or lower are considered normal for microalbumin.

Serum HIV

Your blood will be tested for HIV, which is the virus that causes



Cotinine is the primary byproduct of nicotine. Presence signals possible tobacco use, ranging anywhere from 2 days to 3 months.

The paramedical exam is the underwriter’s tool for getting a picture of your overall health. This, combined with your application, helps the insurer identify you as a risk and set your premium. Regardless of what you fear these tests could uncover, don’t let this keep you from exploring your life insurance options. Discuss your choices with a licensed life insurance agent; we’re here to help you find the very best solution to fit your family’s needs.

What to Expect From the Life Insurance Application Process

We’ve spent the last few weeks educating you on the life insurance underwriting and paramedical exam process. But, what about the steps leading up to the medical exam? What can you expect from the application process and how long does it all take? Today, we’ll review each step in detail, hopefully preparing you for what lies ahead.

Step 1: Compare Quotes

Once you’ve spoken with an insurance agent and identified how much coverage you need, it’s time to start comparing quotes. Your goal is to identify the most financially secure company with the most affordable rate. While many quotes can be obtained online, it’s often time-consuming and overwhelming. Working with an independent agent is the easiest and most efficient way to comparison shop.

Tip: Don’t base your final decision on price alone. Only consider insurers who are rated A- or higher by A.M Best. Hopefully, your loved ones won’t need to cash in on that insurance policy for many years to come; you need a company that will still be around in 30 – 40 years.

Step 2: Application

Now that you’ve selected the policy that best fits your needs, it’s time to fill out the paper application. This is usually a fairly simple and quick process, lasting for 10 to 30 minutes.

You’ll be asked some basic information regarding:

  • Your health history
  • Family’s health history
  • Prescription medications you’re taking
  • Criminal and driving record
  • Dangerous hobbies you participate in

You’ll also want to come prepared with the following information:

  • Beneficiary information, including social security number and date of birth
  • Contingent beneficiary information
  • Your social security and drivers license number
  • Latest tax return income information
  • Your primary doctor’s contact information

Tip: Lying on an insurance application is considered fraud and could result in some serious penalties. Don’t offer any information that isn’t asked, but never lie.

Step 3: Paramedical Exam

Once your application has been submitted, a medical technician will contact you to set up your paramedical exam. You’ll be asked for additional information regarding your health and the nurse will check your weight, height, and blood pressure. They’ll also take urine and blood samples. This process should take between 15 and 30 minutes, depending upon the specifics of the policy you’ve applied for.

Tip: If you’re concerned about the medical exam, our blog goes into greater detail on what to expect and what steps you can take to better prepare yourself.

Step 4: Phone Interview

Some insurance companies require applicants to undergo a phone interview. This is a fairly painless and speedy step; plan on spending 15 to 20 minutes on the phone.

Tip: Again, don’t volunteer information that’s not asked of you. Answer the questions honestly and briefly.

Step 5: Underwriting

Once you’ve completed these steps, all the information that’s collected is forwarded to the underwriter. While this is typically the longest part of the process, it doesn’t require any action on your part. The underwriter will review the details of your application, medical, and personal history and assign you a health/rate class.

Tip: This can take anywhere from 3 – 6 weeks, sometimes longer if they have to request medical records from your doctor. It doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong or that you’ll be denied, so don’t start thinking the worst.

Step 6: The Decision

Once the underwriter has had an opportunity to review your information, the company will come back with a decision. Hopefully, your policy will be accepted at the rate you applied for. If it comes back “other than applied,” it can mean one of two things – you either qualified for a lower rate, or a higher rate.

Tip: If it comes back at a higher rate, discuss your options with your insurance agent. Some applicants choose to reduce their coverage amount or drop the policy term, while others opt to go with another carrier entirely.

Step 7: The Policy Takes Effect

Upon making your decision, notify your agent or the insurance company. Your policy will then be processed and forwarded to you for review. Once your signed policy and first premium payment have been received, the policy is officially in force.

Tip: Inquire about using a conditional binding receipt, which would put your policy in force immediately. Additionally, make sure you notify the beneficiaries that they’ve been named on your policy.

If your worst fears come true and you’re denied coverage, schedule a meeting with your agent to discuss your options moving forward. Don’t make the assumption that you’ll be denied with another carrier, as each company has their own set of underwriting guidelines. Many even offer policies that do not require a medical exam for a slightly higher policy premium.

Paramedical Exam Tips to Help Achieve the Best Life Insurance Rating

Last week, we walked you through the life insurance paramedical exam process and answered some of the most frequently asked questions. Now that you know what to expect, we thought it would be helpful to share some tips to help ensure the best possible outcome. While you can’t control how chronic illness impacts the underwriting process, there are ways you can prepare to keep your rates affordable.

Here are some basic tips to help you prepare for the paramedical exam to ensure the best results:

1) Watch Your Diet Carefully

A week before your paramedical exam, pay close attention to the foods you consume. Since elevated blood pressure and cholesterol levels are the primary reason life insurance underwriters come back with an offer for a lower rate class, it’s important to control these numbers as much as possible. Reduce or eliminate your sodium intake, as it can elevate your blood pressure. Cut back on your sugar consumption, as it has the potential to increase your blood sugar levels. Avoid processed foods as much as possible, as these are typically high in sugar, fats, and sodium.

Instead, focus on foods that can positively impact your blood work. Leafy greens, such as kale, spinach, broccoli, and salads work to lower your cholesterol and blood pressure. Avocados, apples, oranges, olive oil, peanut butter, oats, orange juice, and fish are great options for raising your HDL (good cholesterol) level. While the underwriter reviewing your application will consider both your total cholesterol and your HDL ratio, they’ll offer some leniency on your total cholesterol IF your HDL ratio is excellent. Thus, focusing on improving your good cholesterol could help save you a lot of money in the long run.

2) Drink as Much Water as Possible

I’m sure, by now, you’ve heard the benefits of drinking water. This is not the time to slack on your water consumption. It will clean out your digestive system and urinary tracts, as well as increase blood flow. Additionally, drinking plenty of water ensures full veins, which makes it easier for the medical examiner to find a healthy vein to draw blood from.

3) Avoid Alcohol and Exercise Leading Up to the Exam

Elevated alcohol levels in your bloodstream could send a signal to the underwriter that you might have an issue with alcoholism. To avoid this, do not consume alcohol for at least 24 hours before the exam. If weight is a concern for you, consider eliminating alcohol for an entire week before the exam. This should help stabilize your weight going into the exam.

Normally, daily exercise is something we all strive for. It’s important to remember, however, that exercise can potentially elevate your blood pressure and protein levels in your urine. Twenty four hours before the exam, take some time to relax and shelf your exercise regimen. Once the exam is over, you can go back to your regular workouts.

4) Fast for at Least 12 Hours

When setting up your paramedical exam, the nurse will likely instruct you to fast for 8-12 hours. Doing so helps avoid false positives on your blood sugar and blood pressure levels, which can significantly impact your life insurance rates. If you’re concerned about fasting for that long, schedule your appointment for first thing in the morning. Once you’ve finished your exam, you can have that cup of coffee and bagel and get on with the rest of your day.

5) Advice for the Morning of the Exam

  • Drink a glass of water the morning of the exam. This will not only help you get through providing a urine specimen, it will also help hydrate your veins, making it easier for the examiner to draw blood.
  • For many, the very idea of having blood drawn can elevate their blood pressure. If you’re feeling a little anxious, ask the examiner to draw your blood first and check your blood pressure last. The time in between these two events is typically enough to let your anxiety subside and lower your blood pressure.
  • When it’s time to get your blood drawn, keep your arm straight and your elbow locked. This allows your veins to pop out, ready for the needle, and reduces any pain you might experience.
  • Wear light clothing and stand tall. It sounds crazy, but sometimes the difference between one rate class and another is a pound or two. By standing tall and dressing light, the examiner will get an accurate reading of your weight-to-height ratio.

If you’re still concerned about the findings on your medical exam, share your worries with your agent. They can match you with an insurance company that won’t penalize you as heavily or set you up with a policy that doesn’t require a medical exam.

Once you’ve completed your paramedical exam, it’s time for the rest of the process. Visit our blog next week as we prepare you for what to expect throughout the application process.